The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 655 000$


Notification of change in legal companies and transition to a new development phase

Notification of change in legal companies and transition to a new development phase

Dear clients!

The project is entering a new development phase and abandoning the offshore companies that performed their function during the first development phase.

It's time to switch to companies with licenses in the transparent and reliable jurisdiction of the UAE.

The transition will be completed within 30 days.
It will be accompanied by re-signing the investment agreement that will be generated and displayed in the personal office within 30 days.

The full legal notice of changes in the companies is posted in the personal office.

The notice also informs of changing the jurisdiction of the platform (website) owner. In the new legal framework, it moves from Saint Lucia to the jurisdiction of the UK.

All the clients are required to confirm that they have read the notice in order to properly formalize this action.

Upon the transition to a new development phase, your investment shares will get extra protection and guarantees, and the project will benefit from additional opportunities for organizing its operation!

Our project has come a long way and we are happy to announce the start of a new development phase!

Forward into the future together with MLC!