The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 669 750$


The best time to invest has already come! Restore your installment plan on special offer!

The best time to invest has already come!  Restore your installment plan on special offer!

If you or your partners fail to make due payments in time for any reason and your installment plan is cancelled, we have great news for you!

We are offering you the opportunity to restore your installment plan when topping up your account for the amount of one payment.
Please be reminded that only upon repayment of the entire installment plan, after making the last payment, an investor gets the full amount of their investment shares!

How do I restore a cancelled installment plan in the personal office?

1. Go to the "Investments" section, then select the "My Installments" tab.
2. Find the cancelled installment plan and click "Restore Installment".
3. A message will appear indicating the amount required for restoring it.
- If you have enough funds in the account, click "Restore" and your installment plan will be restored with a recalculated payment schedule.
- If you don't have enough funds in your account, click "Top Up Account" in the message to deposit the required amount. After topping up, repeat steps 1 to 3.

You can restore an installment plan issued at any stage!

Don't miss the chance to take advantage of the most beneficial conditions of installment plan recovery and be sure to share this unique opportunity with your partners!