The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 688 000$


Going to stage 8! There are 5 days left!

Going to stage 8! There are 5 days left!

The MLC project is entering a new level - we are moving into stage 8! With only 5 days left until the new stage starts, this is your chance to make the most of the current period.

Buying packages of shares now, you not only make a profitable investment, but also get an additional bonus of +25% in investment shares added to the nominal value - they are credited upon the last installment payment or immediately upon full repayment.

A Welcome package is available for new members, which can be purchased in a lump-sum within 14 days after activating your personal office account.

Increase your investment and tell your family and friends about the opportunities offered by MLC!