The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 669 750$


"To the Pinnacle of Success" promo relay race Let's keep moving on!


Great news for our partners!

"To the Pinnacle of Success!" promo relay race has been extended for three months! This is your chance to move up the career ladder, invite new partners and earn impressive bonuses!

Share knowledge about the project, support your partners in achieving new statuses and get bonus rewards for their achievements.

 Bonuses for reaching statuses:

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- Expert: $ 250 + 25,000 shares for you and 12,500 shares for the person who invited you.
- Professional: $ 500 + 75,000 shares for you and 25,000 shares for the person who invited you.

 Additional bonuses will only be credited upon reaching a Master status and higher!

 Support your partners on their way to success and soar to new heights together!