The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 685 750$


Why can you rely on the MLC project with your investment? Top 10 reasons!

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Our key advantages:

1. We meet the deadlines and keep all our promises. We strictly adhere to the roadmap set initially, which ensures that all the project stages are completed.

2. Legal transparency. No offshore companies! The primary jurisdiction is the UAE.

3. The number of shares is strictly limited. We don't dilute the shares of our partners. We aim to return and multiply the capital.

4. We do not increase the amount of investment. The amount of investment required is calculated initially and is not increased, but tends to be reduced and optimized.

5. The calculation of profits is known from the beginning. The cost of production and the profit % per product are initially clear.

6. Confirmed demand. The need for the product is confirmed by a market research commissioned by MLC and prepared by one of the best marketing agencies as well as the actual demand for the product.

7. The product implementation timeframe is known from the start.
We do not add to or extend the implementation timeline. The earnings of our company and partners will be generated from real business, i.e. from the sales of CGM products. Therefore, there is no need for us to artificially delay the product implementation deadlines.

8. Efficient upscaling. Rational calculation of upscaling, geared towards profitability.
First, we launch our in-house production lines, and then the construction of design offices and our plants.

9. Technology protection. Patents.
Our developments are already protected by 7 patents and dozens of applications have already been filed.

10. Fast-paced implementation. Short timeframe for implementing the product funded.
Our prototype is in its final phase, and the process of certifying the product components is already underway.

There are already 50,000 participants from 171 countries!
The best time to join us is now!