The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 669 750$


Côte d'Ivoire's new accomplishment: major conference and presentation of the MLC project

Côte d'Ivoire's new accomplishment: major conference and presentation of the MLC project

We have already congratulated Octave ASSOGBA on his appointment as member of the African Zone Development Board of Directors. And here we are proud to tell you about his new accomplishment!

On November 09, a great live project presentation meeting was held in Sikensi, hosted by Octave ASSOGBA, as well as Akpro Gore Memel Leopold, an active partner of the MLC project from Dabou, and BEKE LOBA MICHEL, a project partner from Sikensi.

Thanks to the successful cooperation of outstanding personalities and brilliant professionals, the conference brought together more than 70 guests, including both active project participants and those who have not yet joined us and would like to learn more about MLC from its leaders.

The speeches delivered by the speakers struck a chord with everyone. The information presented was interesting and useful to all the participants of the event, and the visuals helped to better understand the details of implementing the project.

Besides, the conference participants had a chance to be addressed by Ivan Saltanov, the CEO of MLC, and get answers to the questions important for them.

The leadership and hard work of Octave ASSOGBA, African Zone Development Board Member, and his team are delivering brilliant results. Now even more people have become our like-minded supporters and share our values!

Join the MLC project and shoot for the sky!