The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 768 250$


Business trip of the MLC team to China: Results and prospects

Business trip of the MLC team to China: Results and prospects

The MLC team has successfully completed a business trip to Shenzhen and Guangzhou, China. As part of this trip, we held comprehensive talks, visited factories and production facilities, and met with our current partners who we already have fruitful cooperation with. We also held productive meetings with the engineers, technologists and specialists who are already actively involved in the development of our CGM device.

The team also participated in NEPCON ASIA 2024, a major conference focusing on electronics, microelectronics, equipment and materials for manufacturing, design and packaging of printed circuit boards. It was an unplanned but extremely fruitful visit: we had a chance to meet a number of promising partners, discuss cooperation opportunities and outline further steps for the development of our project.

The results of the trip have exceeded our expectations: all the set goals were achieved, the groundwork was laid for long-term cooperation with the partners and key plans for the project development were outlined. Detailed technical specifications are already in progress and we are preparing for the next stage, namely the production of our CGM device.

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