The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 767 500$


5 Questions to Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC Question 1:Trends in CGM system development worldwide and the benefits of CGM Fly

Youtube video

We offer you to watch a series of videos in which Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC, answers questions that are of concern to the investors and partners of the project.

Would you like to find out what special features the technology being developed under the MLC project has? Interested in learning about our product's advantages over other manufacturers? Do you know the main trends in the production of CGM systems?

Ivan Saltanov talks in detail about the development plans of the MLC project and shares interesting and useful information about the current efforts.

Watch the first video from the "5 Questions to Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC" series and don't forget to share it with your partners and clients!

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