The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 763 000$


CGM systems market dynamics in South Asia and Oceania

CGM systems market dynamics in South Asia and Oceania

Our international MLC project has a mission to help people all over the world to be healthy, maintain their usual lifestyle and become successful. For this purpose, we are developing innovative technologies in the InnoBioSystems laboratory to create unique systems for continuous monitoring of blood glucose levels.

The line of business we have chosen is very promising, which is confirmed by the results of a study commissioned by MLC and conducted by MegaResearch, one of the largest marketing agencies. In-depth analysis of the CGM market made it possible to elaborate a development forecast and work out a strategy for international promotion of our project.

Today we are sharing with you the results of our CGM market research in South Asia and Oceania.

MegaResearch analysts forecast that by 2045, the CGM market in this region might grow 22 times in terms of both volume and value. Annual growth will amount to about 15-16%, the agency's experts estimate.

India represents a share of the largest regional market. The consumption of CGM systems in this country is expected to grow by 17.2% annually and is expected to increase 5.8 times over the next ten years.

The study confirms that our expansion into the South Asia and Oceania market is well-founded and very promising! We are growing steadily and believe in success together with our investors and partners in this region, as well as around the world!