The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 731 000$


MLC partners meeting in Burkina Faso

MLC partners meeting in Burkina Faso

MLC's National Representative in Burkina Faso Zongo OUSMANE is a paragon of hard work and determination for his partners. He regularly hosts live meetings, workshops and presentations in different locations in his country to share the most up-to-date information related to the development of the project.

On November 30, Fada N'gourma hosted a meeting where Zongo OUSMANE told the participants about the MLC project and its flagship product, the CGM FLY system. The event was attended by almost 40 guests, including both current partners and potential participants interested in investing in innovative technologies and ready to promote a promising project.

Zongo OUSMANE spoke in detail about MLC's humanitarian mission, as well as the income-generating opportunities of participating in the project. He provided detailed answers to all the questions asked and shared the latest news on the progress of the company's first product, CGM FLY.

The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere and inspired the partners for further development!

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