The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 731 000$


Visit of MLC's National Representative in Cameroon. What was it like?

Youtube video

We have already shared with you that Victor ESSOMBE, National Representative of the project in Cameroon, visited the MLC office and the InnoBioSystems lab a while ago. Victor ESSOMBE discussed further collaboration plans with the MLC management, spoke with the laboratory's research staff involved in the development of innovative technologies for the project, and praised the achievements.

The meeting turned out to be not only productive but also inspiring. Victor ESSOMBE was pleased to meet the top management and see with his own eyes the results of work done by the entire MLC team.

We have prepared a short video that shows all the highlights of this action-packed visit.

Watch and share with your friends and partners! Together we will achieve all our goals!