The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 728 750$


Western Europe: CGM market dynamics and potential

Western Europe: CGM market dynamics and potential

The international MLC project is successfully developing in many countries of the world. In order to assess the dynamics and development potential of the CGM systems markets, MLC engaged MegaResearch, one of the leading agencies, whose analysts conducted an in-depth marketing study and analysis of major regional markets.

We have already covered the potential of the Middle East and Africa, South Asia and Oceania, Vietnam and UAE markets, which offer great opportunities for upscaling the project.
The market for CGM systems in Western Europe is also demonstrating excellent dynamics.

According to MegaResearch analysts, the CGM market in Western Europe will grow by 18% annually until 2045, with the number of units consumed growing 35 times over this period. The market value is also forecast to grow considerably: by 2045, the market for CGM systems could increase 26-fold, from $ 2,491.1 million to $ 65,959.4 million.

Currently, the top three consumers are Germany, Spain and France, which account for 51% of the total Western European CGM market.

The marketing research findings emphasize the great potential of the CGM systems market, which opens up substantial opportunities for the development and upscaling of the MLC project!

We would like to thank our partners and investors around the world for their support and contribution to the development of the MLC project. Together we will achieve our goals faster and reach the highest heights!

Join the international MLC project and develop together with us!