The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 731 000$


5 Questions to Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC Question 3: How will the production of CGM Fly be organized?

Youtube video

MLC is a large international community represented by more than 170 world countries. We are developing and consolidating our presence on many continents. The project is getting closer and closer to starting its production.

Watch the third video in the "5 Questions to Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC" series to find out what steps the company should take to organize the production of in-house developed CGM systems and where it plans to open production sites in the future. Investors and partners often ask about these aspects, as having production in their regions can provide many benefits, including societal ones.

Detailed information provided by Ivan Saltanov has once again proved to the project participants that the chosen direction is the right one and that the company is a promising business.

Stay tuned for more news about the MLC project - there are lots of exciting things to follow!