The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 700 000$


Our Christmas offers are about to expire!

Our Christmas offers are about to expire!

The holidays are fast approaching! And along with them, the Christmas promo offers in the MLC project are coming to an end!

Until December 25 inclusive, MLC grants you unique investment conditions with which you can purchase a package of investment shares under the terms of funding stage 7 and even stage 6.

- $ 1,500: a 15-month installment plan (stage 7 conditions).
- $ 2,000: a 20-month installment plan (stage 7 conditions).
- $ 3,000: a 20-month installment plan (stage 6 conditions).
- $ 5,000: a 25-month installment plan (stage 6 conditions).
- $ 7,500: a 30-month installment plan (stage 6 conditions).

Don't miss your chance to make a wonderful gift to yourself and your loved ones and invest in the promising MLC project on lucrative conditions.

Take advantage of our festive offer and open the door to a world of great opportunities together with MLC!