The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 694 000$


5 Questions to Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC Question 5: What is the growth and development potential for the MLC project? What contributes to its success?

Youtube video

The MLC project is evolving rapidly and reaching new heights. We have crossed many milestones and continue to progress towards our ambitious goals!

The pre-launch stage of the first funding round for a manufacturing company in China has started. New regions with emerging markets are being tapped. What's in store for us next?

We would like to offer you the final video from the "5 Questions to Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC" series, in which the company's founder talks about the progress of the current tasks as well as future plans of the project.

Watch the video and share it with your friends and partners.

Join MLC – there are lots of exciting events to follow!