The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 669 750$


A client wants to know more about the project. What are your actions?

A client wants to know more about the project. What are your actions?

You have signed the partnership agreement with MLC and told your friends and acquaintances about the project and its prospects. One of them got interested and would like to know more to make an informed decision. Your actions:

- Webinars. Encourage the client to watch the webinars that are regularly hosted by MLC's national representatives and leaders to delve into the project.

- Live meetings and presentations. Invite the client to a live presentation of MLC where they can interact with our partners and investors and address questions to the project leaders in person.

- MLC personal office. Registration in the MLC personal office will make it possible for the client to view official documents, marketing plan and event schedule.

- Official social media accounts. Let the client know that by subscribing to our official sources, they will be able to get regular up-to-date news about the project and its development.

Provide the client with as much information as possible and emphasize that being a part of the MLC project offers great growth opportunities!