The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 685 750$


A client has acquired an investment package. What's next?

A client has acquired an investment package. What's next?

You have had a productive meeting and helped your client acquire a package of investment shares in MLC in installments. That's a great result! But working with a client doesn't end there. All successful partners know how important it is to provide quality support to their client after the latter purchases a package of shares. What does it involve?

1. Regular reminders: Make sure your client understands the importance of timely payments. If an installment plan is cancelled, he or she will lose a substantial portion of their shares in the package. And if they cover the entire amount without overdue payments, they can get a nice bonus of 3% in extra shares.

2. Promo offers: Share information about the current promotions and offers. For example, encourage a client to make payments early to get bonus shares.

3. Answering questions: Be available to your client, answer their questions and provide all the necessary information.

4. Feedback: Regularly ask the client's opinion about their experience with you and the project in general, this will help you improve the quality of service.

5. Further investment: Start the conversation about buying another investment package in advance. Discuss the advantages of increasing your stake in the project, talk about the company's achievements and prospects for investment growth.

Quality support is beneficial to all the parties involved in the process! Let's achieve goals together with MLC!