The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 254 000$


Pre-launch of MLC's manufacturing company in China. Interim results

Pre-launch of MLC's manufacturing company in China. Interim results

We are happy to inform you that the pre-launch stage for the manufacturing company is progressing smoothly as planned.

What are the pre-launch goals?

1. Build a pool of investors and ensure a stable flow of funding for the project through repayment of activated installment plans.

2. Generate the first payment of $ 1 million to kick-start project preparation and confirm our commitment to the manufacturing partners from China.

Based on the pre-launch results, we expect an amount of $ 10 million or more in activated installment plans.

Current performance:

1. We have reached the $ 5 million milestone on future installment payments!
This amount already makes it possible for us to move forward with confidence!

2. 3,500 people have already become investors in the manufacturing company.

Congratulations to everyone on these accomplishments!

There is a pre-launch discount in effect now, which will be considerably reduced in the future.

Check out the investment offerings in the price list

Manufacturing company presentation: 

Hurry up to join us on favorable conditions!