The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 415 500$


Dividends from the MLC technology. A case study

Dividends from the MLC technology. A case study

Investing in research and development (R&D) is a long-term strategy with the potential for high dividends from the developed technologies.

What do investors get by acquiring shares in the technology?

Royalty-based dividends
By investing in R&D, you become a co-owner of technologies that can then be used by manufacturing companies. Your shares ensure your right to earn royalties paid by the companies for using the technologies. Depending on the conditions, investors may earn up to 100% in royalties on the profits generated from the utilization of their investment.

Amount of royalties
The manufacturer pays a royalty of $ 3-5 dollars per device. These payouts provide a stable income for the holders of technology shares.

If a manufacturing company produces 10 million items, the license fees for using new technologies developed with investor participation will be between $ 30 million and $ 50 million. These funds are distributed to the investors in dividends, depending on the number of shares they hold, providing a stable income.

Important: The amount of dividends depends on the number of shares you hold. The more shares you have in your portfolio, the higher your royalty income is.

Investing in R&D is an opportunity to participate in the development of cutting-edge technologies and to profit from the sale of each item made using those technologies.