The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 750 250$


Investopia Business Conference: MLC establishes new contacts

Investopia Business Conference: MLC establishes new contacts

Recently, our key partner Sofian STUMPF, Sales Director of UICOM Investment Company, attended the major annual Investopia Business Conference in Abu Dhabi (UAE).

Investopia is a global platform that brings together investors, business leaders and governments to identify new investment opportunities and facilitate startups and scalable enterprises around the world, encouraging them to utilize innovative technologies in key economic sectors.

At the conference, Sofian STUMPF established useful contacts and held a series of talks with major investors from different countries interested in developing innovation and implementing new investment opportunities.

Sofian STUMPF's participation in a conference of this scale emphasizes the international significance of our project and opens business development prospects for a happy and healthy future!

MLC brings together capital and opportunity to give you freedom and prosperity!