The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 763 000$


Your ticket to a wonderful life

Your ticket to a wonderful life

Can investments grow by thousands of times?

Yes, they can! Peter Thiel, a well-known venture capitalist, has proved it.

In 1999, Peter Thiel invested $ 1,700 in his user account to buy 1.7 million shares of PayPal at $ 0.001 per share.
Oddly enough, this price is the same as the one for investment shares in MLC ENGINEERING

When eBay bought PayPal in 2002, Thiel made a $ 30 million profit by selling his PayPal shares.

He then invested those profits in buying stock in startups such as Palantir technologies and several other early-stage companies and repeated the success.

In 2021, the value of his investments that had started with $1,700 amounted to $ 5 billion.

What's the moral of the story?

Since Peter Thiel was able to make a $ 30 million profit three years after investing $ 1,700 in PayPal, why do you think you can't also make a $ 1 million profit on a $ 1,000 investment?

Profitable investments and timely decisions are not an accident but a conscious choice!

MLC Engineering is a project that can increase its price by thousands of times.
Hurry to invest, the price of shares is constantly growing!

Go to registration right from this article and get a gift of 100 shares absolutely free!