The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 655 000$


Market growth dynamics for CGM systems in the Middle East and Africa

Market growth dynamics for CGM systems in the Middle East and Africa

The MLC project is international and prides itself on its presence in many regions of the world, including the Middle East and Africa.

As part of building a successful strategy for its development, MLC turned to one of the leading agencies, MegaResearch, whose specialists conducted a large-scale market research and analyzed the outlook for the CGM market.

We are happy to share with you a summary of the market research results for the Middle East and African regions, where the development of our MLC project is ramping up.

MegaResearch analysts estimate that by 2045, the CGM market in the Middle East and Africa will show the highest growth rate of all regional markets at 22% per year. By 2045, the market in this region is expected to grow 69 times in volume terms and 62 times in value terms. The number of CGM devices consumed per year will grow 69 times!

The results of the study demonstrate the excellent potential of the markets in the Middle East and African countries! Thanks to the dedicated work of our partners promoting the MLC project in these regions and the support of our investors, we continue to develop and endeavor to take our place in the market to provide the population with practical, high-tech and affordable CGM devices.

We're on the right track!