The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 728 750$


R&D funding completion stage. Pre-launch of funding stage 1 for the manufacturing company

R&D funding completion stage. Pre-launch of funding stage 1 for the manufacturing company

An important milestone for MLC's investors and partners: the pre-launch of a new stage!

Dear friends, we are proud to share with you a very significant event in the development of the MLC project! The R&D funding stage is nearing completion and now we have the next important step ahead of us, namely the pre-launch of the first funding stage for the manufacturing company. This stage opens up new horizons for us and makes it possible to implement the most ambitious goals.

We would like to thank our investors and partners for their invaluable support and confidence in the project. It is thanks to you that we continue to follow the outlined path and make progress, proceeding strictly in line with the previously established roadmap.

Today, the MLC project team is actively preparing to establish a manufacturing company in China and a laboratory for product quality control, as well as forming a sales team. We are proud to announce that many contracts for the production of crucial components of the device are already being signed, which brings us closer to the implementation of our plans.

To celebrate this happy occasion, we have developed unique investment packages that include the shares in our technology and manufacturing company. The package includes:
- 50% of the package value is represented by R&D intellectual property shares at the current stage discount,
- 50% of the package value is made up of the shares in the manufacturing company at the largest discount (1/3000) available now only.

An important note: during the pre-launch period, the number of manufacturing company's shares in the investment packages will decrease every 7 days, which adds value to your investment at the start. At the end of the $ 1 million fundraising, the pre-launch stage will be completed and sales of shares in the manufacturing company will be opened. Available package denominations: $ 1,500, $ 2,000, $ 3,000, $ 5,000, $ 7,500. Don't miss the chance to become part of a rapidly growing project!!!

Each investor gets the opportunity not just to join a high-tech project, but also to become part of a unique team creating breakthrough solutions. We have a promising future ahead of us: entering global markets, developing a network of partners, scaling up production and increasing the company's market value.

MLC is not just an investment, but a real contribution to world-changing technology. Join our successful journey and be part of the team that is shaping the future!