The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 719 000$


5 Questions to Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC Question 4: What areas do investments go into in the MLC project?

Youtube video

MLC is steadily progressing, all the tasks are being carried out in accordance with the Roadmap, and there are many exciting developments in store for us. We have already obtained a number of patents for the developed technologies and presented the industrial design of our flagship product, CGM FLY. We are approaching the production launch for our first product.

Watch the next video from the "5 Questions to Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC" series to find out where the investments are going into now and how we are going to organize production for the subsequent implementation of our CGM FLY product.

Don't miss the opportunity to get important and interesting information directly from the company's CEO! Watch the video and share it with your friends and partners. Also, keep an eye on the schedule of webinars with Ivan Saltanov, CEO of MLC, and ask him your questions live.

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