The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 694 000$


Meetings in Burkina Faso: promotion of the MLC project is underway!

Meetings in Burkina Faso: promotion of the MLC project is underway!

Being a partner of MLC means being ready to promote the project on a daily basis and helping it develop! The high level of motivation and incredible diligence of Zongo OUSMANE, National Representative of MLC in Burkina Faso, help him achieve great results and remain an undisputed leader for his partners.

Last weekend, Zongo OUSMANE held two meetings for investors and partners of the project, as well as those who are interested in investing in innovative technologies and would like to learn more about MLC and its products.

On December 14, a meeting with the partners of MLC was held in Kaya, and the very next day, December 15, Zongo OUSMANE held a presentation of the project in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. He told the participants of the meetings about the project, the advantages of the innovative CGM technology, as well as the demand for it all over the world.

Thanks to the top professionalism and remarkable efficiency of the National Representative, even more people learned about MLC, became interested in the products developed and the growth opportunities offered by our promising and ambitious project.

Join MLC and discover the world of great opportunities together with us!