The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 692 500$


Would you like to invest even more profitably? Make a double installment payment!

Would you like to invest even more profitably? Make a double installment payment!

Would you like your investment in the MLC project to be even more profitable? Meet a few simple conditions and get a bonus of extra investment shares.

What do you need to do?

1. Purchase a new investment package in the MLC project. To do this, select the package that suits your needs in the "Investments" section of the personal office. If you are already repaying an installment plan, click "Issue Another Installment Plan" to purchase a new package.
2. Carefully read the terms and conditions of purchasing the selected investment package.
3. Select the "Double Payment" option in the "Package Payment" section. Without this, your bonus shares will not be credited.
4. Deposit the amount to be paid. After that, the bonus shares will immediately be displayed in your personal office account.

When do I need to make my next payment?

- You will need to make your next payment one month after the installment plan is issued, in accordance with the payment schedule. Please note that this will be the third monthly payment on your installment plan.

How many bonus shares will I get?

- The number of bonus shares is calculated automatically when applying the "Double Payment" option and depends on the type of package and its payment terms.

Take advantage of all the lucrative offers to invest in the MLC project more profitably!

Besides, right now there is a Christmas promo offer running in the project! Hurry up and invest profitably!