The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 689 500$


Pre-launch of MLC's manufacturing company High discount rates ensure the most lucrative investments!

Pre-launch of MLC's manufacturing company High discount rates ensure the most lucrative investments!

The start of the pre-launch stage for the manufacturing company took place just recently, on December 10.

What is the purpose of the pre-launch stage?

Pre-launch is the preparation stage to launch a manufacturing company that helps build a solid foundation for a successful start. It gives the opportunity to mobilize investments with maximum discounts, test the business model and shape a team of partners.

Important! The production part of the shares in investment packages is reduced every 7 days. The next reduction comes on December 24!

When will the pre-launch stage be completed?

Upon reaching the $ 1 million investment amount required to launch the production of the first product, CGM FLY.

Hurry up to take advantage of our lucrative conditions! The earlier you purchase a pre-launch package of investment shares, the more opportunities you'll get!


All the currently available offers can be found in the price list by following the link: