The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 691 000$


Success again! Another live presentation of the MLC project in Benin

Success again! Another live presentation of the MLC project in Benin

The MLC project is being actively developed in many countries around the world. The partners regularly organize live meetings, presentations, workshops and conferences where everyone can get detailed information about MLC and its product.

Recently, a live presentation of the MLC project has taken place in Coutonou, the largest city in Benin. Ibrahim MOHAMED, MLC's National Representative in the region, along with his team of leaders, introduced participants to the benefits of MLC's innovative technologies and their relevance. The speakers also shared the latest news and opportunities to build a source of passive income.

The event brought together current and aspiring partners and investors who were able to personally communicate with the project leaders, share their ideas with like-minded people and feel part of a large community united by one mission. The meeting also engaged the guests who had not yet joined the project but were interested in the innovative technologies and opportunities offered by the MLC project.

Ibrahim MOHAMED, National Representative of MLC in Benin, continues to successfully promote the project in his country with brilliant results!

Join MLC and be part of a team that is confidently progressing towards achieving its goals!